Stepping outside the bounds

It can be small acts that take one outside what is, at the time, accepted behaviour. Back in the late 1970’s I went to a Saturday morning movie. Alone.

The movie I saw that fateful day, way back then was “Star Wars” and for me it marked a special place. Women back then weren’t that interested in science fiction. Hardly surprising as so many sci-fi films were just an unusual setting for horror stories. I had discovered science-fiction as a reading genre and wanted to see a movie, in case that extended my pleasure to another visual level.

(As we didn’t have TV in my youth; back then I was unaware of the TV nations enjoyment of Star Trek, or I wouldn’t have felt it was such a different thing to do.)

None of my friends would have understood. I mentioned it to one and the look of “I’m not sure what you are up to”, quelled my speaking of it. Yet in secret I watched and waited for the next two Star Wars movies to come out. And each time, sneaked out secretly on a Saturday morning to watch.

So we slowly break down the walls around us, by the small steps, each taken courageously, breaking barriers that seem impenetrable, yet when you tackle them are merely mists appearing solid.

Today I think nothing of toddling off to a movie alone. I pick one of the closer ones to me (both places allow you to take in coffee) and off I go for my coffee-and-movie, alone.

I wonder if I’m still breaking any of the barriers today. If not; maybe I should be looking at them, for one that, in my own little world, needs a serious ‘busting’.

18 thoughts on “Stepping outside the bounds

  1. I first went to the cinema alone after I married. Hub was working a seventeen hour shift* on a Saturday. I saw ‘White Knights’ on Corlett Drive. I felt so brave! I hardly ever do it now, but I love going to the bioscope (delicious word) by myself.

    lol! Left out the ‘f’ – talk about a Freudian slip!

    Love this image: ‘mists appearing solid’

    1. Was there ever a movie house on corlett drive? I lived near it for 18 years, and don’t remember that.

      It’s my special ‘thing’ me and my coffee alone at the movie 😉

      1. I was on Louis Botha Ave and it was more or less across the road. I think Corlett Drive crossed LBA so maybe it was near the corner. It was twenty years ago so I could be wildly off course. I do know I was able to walk across the road to the cinema.

  2. I definitely related to this post, Sidey.

    For Spring Break, senior year in college, I flew to St. Thomas . . . by myself.

    Wonderful barrier to break down.

    I also related to this:

    The movie I saw that fateful day, way back then was “Star Wars” and for me it marked a special place. Women back then weren’t that interested in science fiction. Hardly surprising as so many sci-fi films were just an unusual setting for horror stories.

    Growing up with Star Trek and the Jetsons, I had been exposed to Sci-Fi without horror . . . and, still, I had NO INTEREST in going to see Star Wars.

    My younger brother saw it and told me I should go. No way, Jose. “Jose” said HE would treat me to the movie if I would go see it. Alright . . .

    Loved it! Couldn’t wait for the next two films to appear. Prejudice (pre-judging) closes us off to many enjoyments in life.

    Go for it! Break down a few barriers. Live a little. Seize the day!

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