Weekend theme – 31 Dec 2010

It’s the last Friday of the year; it’s the last day of the year. So obviously the weekend theme should have nothing to do with any of that. Yesterday, I was out for lunch with a friend in Seapoint and she was notified of a huge fire on Signal Hill.  When we left the shopping […]

Holiday ramblings

Ah the laziness of holi-days. I had planned to do at least one post each day I am on holiday. I’d do some brain ransacking, fish up some nuggets of some interest to the unwary from the recesses of my mind and memory.  Alas, the best intentioned plans of women are foiled by the inherent […]

Resolutions unresolved

January 1st xxx3 Dear Diary, This year my New Year resolutions are: 1)    Stop biting my nails 2)   Be nicer to my little brother 3)   To make friends with the lonely girl at school 4)   To keep my bedroom perfectly tidy 5)   To always remember to brush Jason every weekend January 1st xxx4 Dear Diary, […]

Thursday morning mental ramblings

Do you remember the first time you saw the world from above?  I remember sitting glued to the window (lucky enough to have arrived early and been given a window seat) and watching South Africa unfold below me. The greeny/browns of the Transvaal and Free State were sort of what I had expected.  The crop […]

A Story – was he all bad?

A few months ago when several commentators decided they knew how a short story of mine would end, I decided that they were wrong, and proceeded to write episode after episode to string them along. At that stage the story was all about getting two people together. And my pair faced innumerable obstacles. Then one […]

A story – the last part

The project to build the house on Anthea’s part of the family estate progressed well. Anthea and Leo went about once a week together or separately to inspect the progress.  The changes to the design as made by Thomas made it a more beautiful and interesting home. They had to change some aspects in order […]

’twas the week before Christmas, and I was thinking

‘twas the week before Christmas People have posted their activities, their hopes, their sadnesses. It’s a different time of year, getting ready to party. Sometimes spending too much money on presents for people we don’t know or worse, don’t actually like. People looking forward to fun times. People not looking forward to family arguments, yet […]