What if?

If  an economy goes along based on one person producing what another wants (more or less) and money represents the relative value between producer and buyer,   what happens when the buyers return it without having paid for it, yet no-one else wants it? what happens when the buyers don’t pay at all, or claim […]


The South Sea Bubble was an over-inflation of shares in the South Sea Company in the UK during the 18th Century.  There they were re-financing Government debt through private funds, in a way that was ‘hidden’ and which led people to believe they were becoming wealthy. Linking their sales of shares to the ‘high ups’ […]

Wekend theme

Its Friday, the sun is shining after a few days of rain that made us a bit chilly here, so it’s lifted my mood considerably. I wonder why sunshine does that. Some odd sunshine-receptor in the brain that pumps out endorphins or something I guess. So in a cheerful mood I propose this weekend’s theme […]

Thursday morning musings

Lying in bed, awake ahead of the alarm always gives me some thinking time, sometimes useful, sometimes frustrating. This morning I was somehow thinking back over the past few months, wondering why some of the difficult situations arose. I realised it was generally because people (myself included) either tried to apply something different when the […]

Something for nothing!

When it sounds too good for words, it’s not REAL. How often will human beings be taken in by the slick-talking snake-oil salesmen. They have always been with us it seems, and we always (well enough of us to keep them happy) fall for it. It someone is offering you 100% for 50% from you, […]

Monday musings

Facing a new week. Finish off one project, take back an older one. Start a new one. I feel tired. I think the time for a holiday is well overdue, but there is a month to go, one of quite a lot of intense work. However yesterday was a wonderful early summer day, cloudy enough […]

Weekend theme

This morning Google tells me is the date that Louis Daguerre, a Frenchman responsible for some early developments in the world of photography was born.  Well at least the day and month, the year was way back in 1787. I remember reading of people having a daugerrotype taken. But as so often I have no […]

Thursday Thoughts

Working from 4.15 this morning (thank goodness for wake-up coffee) I realised how everyone’s odd backgrounds can come to the rescue in later years. Wanting to describe an electronically accessed index to information, not just the documents it’s hidden in, I realised how I’d wanted the ease of cross referencing when I was in a […]

Anticipation, part 5

For those who missed the earlier episodes https://viewfromtheside.wordpress.com/2011/11/05/anticipation-2/ https://viewfromtheside.wordpress.com/2011/11/09/anticiption-part-2/ https://viewfromtheside.wordpress.com/2011/11/10/anticipation-part-3/ https://viewfromtheside.wordpress.com/2011/11/11/anticipation-part-4/ The next morning at breakfast, Sally announced “Mum I don’t believe that man, something just doesn’t add up. I KNOW Ben and he would never do anything dishonourable.” Teddy surprised them both by adding “Unless it was to protect something that needed protecting”. Sally […]