We Shall Overcome

Reading the news this morning I discovered that Pete Seeger, the man who wrote “We shall overcome”  has died in his 90’s. I loved his stuff as a youngster, it spoke of possibilities, hinted that we could be better than we were but not in a polite mealy-mouthed way. But the memory that came flooding […]

Weekend theme

So many corrupt politicians, so few assassins So many rays of sunshine, so few solar panels So many happinesses, so little to cry over So many Maltesers, so little mouthspace (This one for Tilly Budd)

Weekend theme

I haven’t posted a weekend theme for a while now, there were so few participating that I thought the time had come for it to fade away. Now I have had a request for one, as a starter to get someone thinking and writing. I think this weekend (or week as one weekend’s work may […]

Did Enid Blyton help create a generation of leaders?

Before I start let me state in no uncertain terms that this is purely my own musings from memory, and contains not a single shred of well researched evidence on my part. Yesterday I read an article on the mistakes parents are making that prevent their children from becoming leaders. One of the areas concerned […]

MEN and a morning musing

I was just thinking about how men are so often such wonderful people when up popped a story online. About a dad who blogs, and he posted a picture of himself doing his daughter’s hair. Apparently that went viral all over, with both good and bad comment (and of course racist because he is dark-skinned). […]

Working on happiness

Idle thoughts seeing a friend telling on Facebook that she has joined a site for posting something for 100 days. Each day a post about happiness. Is this also for me? Naah! Stop and think, what harm can it do? Uses up a few minutes each day. I can spare that. Will it have any […]

Sunday Somethings

I have not had the best of weeks. Today I think I am realising why. I’m trying to do something I haven’t done previously, as well as dealing with someone whose work methods neither I nor the others in the company really understand. So I’m feeling insecure, not like me at work. What I can’t […]

Monday musings

As life and work become more complex, I sometimes wonder how people keep up. I am watching an organisation’s IT department that has been split in two (one side of the business decided it needed its own IT as the IT department was too costly and didn’t give what was needed). A residual culture of […]

The twelve days of Christmas – all of them

Tuesday December 24th, Christmas Eve  ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring…. “And that is why we have oily gravy, lumpy custard and that dreadful stodge your Aunt calls eggnog” David’s grandmother said, smoothly. Oh so smoothly. Instead of helping Aunt Anne the old bat would rather […]