Weekend Theme

This weekend I have 2 events.

One a memorial service for an aunt who spent the last years of her life with her brain “in a fog”. Not recognising people, not remembering recent events, feeling angry at what had happened to her. We all hoped that her release from this ‘non-life’ would be swifter to free her from the constant anxiety and anger. However that was not to be, and sadly the family had to witness her deterioration over the years. Her grand-daughter called her death a “joyous sadness”.

The second event is to be more pleasurable, I hope. “Sky dining”, not to be confused with sky diving (I hope). Eating a meal suspended high above the ground. Rather a difficult choice for me as I suffer from ‘variable vertigo’. Going near the window in a tall building makes my stomach churn and my head feel dizzy. Three steps up a ladder and I’m hoping it’s time to get down again. yet I LOVE flying! Ballooning has given me so many happy hours above the ground. I am only too happy to climb into an aeroplane (where I generally request a window seat) and watch the earth happily for hours and hours. Inconsistent, yes. After all vertigo is all in the mind (despite my tummy feeling some of the effects).

I am wondering which side will win?

So deciding on a weekend theme was fairly easy. It is




50 thoughts on “Weekend Theme

                  1. the ultimate privacy, impenetrable and safe from the outside world…unless we hypnotize you and make you spill the beans. ah want some Dilmah green tea? Did you ever find it at your shops?

  1. …so i gather you haven’t tried skydiving yet? 😉 – hope you enjoy your sky dining experience.

    i like the term “joyous sadness” btw – it really does suit in situations such as you describe

  2. There are people who are very consistent in doing what they set out to do. I’m sadly not one of them. For example: In theory I stick only to food that I regard as being healthy food. I definitely love healthy food! In practice I constantly weaken when some not so healthy food is on offer. The same with exercises. I know if I don’t do my exercises every day my body weakens. So I wished I would stick to doing my exercises more regularly. But I just don’t. There are many more examples were I’m not consistent.

    I hope you’ll be all right in that ‘Sky Dining’ place, Sidey.

  3. I am just the same. Two steps up a ladder is the furthest I can go, lol. But give me a light plane and I’m almost in heaven – no joke – I LOVE it. Haven’t tried a balloon yet though..

    Back to your theme. Yesterday and today I have tried to write rap. Here is today’s one: http://wp.me/pUr0W-1hM

      1. the post isn’t what I had in mind – in my mind’s eye I see X, it comes out as pft…another epic fail, woohoo!
        Ah yes, Dear Amanda – dýou also like The Dresden Dolls & Evelyn Evelyn?

        1. I don’t know them, but I suspect I would. I don’tdo a lot of music downloads as my laptop speakes are nit that good and sometimes jarring
          as for posts, well my minds eye sees something wonderful, and the fingers type something mundane – all the time

          1. They are all Amanda Palmer bands – lovely stuff! I know what you mean about the speakers though – lousy compared to proper ones.

            Writing seems easy but it’s not and even lots practice doesn’t necessarily perfect…

  4. The second event is to be more pleasurable, I hope. “Sky dining”, not to be confused with sky diving (I hope). Eating a meal suspended high above the ground. Rather a difficult choice for me as I suffer from ‘variable vertigo’. Going near the window in a tall building makes my stomach churn and my head feel dizzy. Three steps up a ladder and I’m hoping it’s time to get down again. yet I LOVE flying! Ballooning has given me so many happy hours above the ground. I am only too happy to climb into an aeroplane (where I generally request a window seat) and watch the earth happily for hours and hours. Inconsistent, yes. After all vertigo is all in the mind (despite my tummy feeling some of the effects).

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